+45 8637 7133

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Møllevej 2

8544 Mørke, Denmark

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Entrance ramps for home, work or shop

There can be many factors to consider when finding the right ramp solution for an entrance. That's why we offer a range of bespoke solutions, so you can find the one that suits your needs:

Excellent Access are Excellent Systems' own custom-built plastic ramps. The ramps are giftfrie, so they do not pollute the environment they are integrated into. At the same time, the elements have slip-resistant surfaces and come with a myriad of options for adapting to the existing building. 

If you need a high handrail on your ramp Aluminium ramps are a good choice. This system is also flexible and can be adapted to many needs. However, if you want an easy solution that you can quickly install and adapt yourself, our Ramps KIT could be the solution for you. The ready-made packages with ramps come in five different sizes. These can be used both indoors and outdoors.

Bedre færdsels for borgere når der er ramper på begge sider.

Excellent Access


Excellent Access ramps are built by our ramp system and can be adapted to the individual location, depending on the desired slope and the available space. The ramp system is so flexible that it can be completely tailored and small adjustments can easily be made with a jigsaw.

The ramp system is flexible which can be completely customized after yours need, and small adjustments can easily be made with a jigsaw.

Excellent Access can e.g. be built over walkways, with curbs or corners, to prevent unsafe and dangerous edges.

They can easily be built over existing stairs, so no house rebuilding is necessary. Excellent access is therefore the perfect temporary solution. environmentally friendly solution.

Excellent Systems can clean, grind and recycle used ramps into new ramps. Recycled for new ramps. In this way, we prevent the plastic from ending up as waste or in nature. 



Excellent access ramps are built by Excellent Rampesystem and adapted to the desired slope according to the possibilities on each site.


The width of the ramp is adapted to each location.


Excellent access ramps for outdoor use have an extra anti-slip surface.


Running edges can be fitted to Excellent access ramps for improved safety.

Special tilpassede rampe til hovedindgang

Excellent Access

Excellent Adgang ramper bygges af vores rampesystem og kan tilpasses det enkelte sted alt efter ønsket hældning og den plads, der er til rådighed. Rampesystemet er så fleksibelt, at det kan skræddersyes fuldstændig og små tilpasninger kan nemt laves med stiksav.
For example, ramps can be built across walkways and with corners to minimise unsafe and dangerous edges.
De kan nemt bygges hen over eksisterende trapper, så ombygning af hus ikke er nødvendigt. Derfor er Excellent Adgang den perfekte midlertidige løsning.

Excellent Systems can clean, grind and recycle used ramps into new ramps. 

Læs mere her om vugge til vugge

Tilpassede rampe integreret til trin



Excellent access ramps are built by Excellent Rampesystem and adapted to the desired slope according to the possibilities on each site.


The width of the ramp is adapted to each location.


Excellent access ramps for outdoor use have an extra anti-slip surface.


Running edges can be fitted to Excellent access ramps for improved safety.


Need help finding the right solution for your needs?
Contact us on tel: +45 8637 7133 or send us an email.

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