+45 8637 7133

Mon-Thur 8-16 (Fri 8-13)

Møllevej 2

8544 Mørke, Denmark

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Distributor access - Our shared image database

Welcome to our shared image database.

The purpose of this database is to gather and share our image materials, as this allows us to collaborate and enhance our marketing effectiveness.

Many of our ramp solutions are unique and customized to their locations. By sharing our images with each other, we will have access to a larger catalog of images that demonstrate the many uses and solutions of the ramps in addressing accessibility challenges.

Therefore, a database filled with images of our ramp solutions is a valuable tool for inspiration and offers the opportunity to showcase a variety of established solutions to both new and existing customers. All images in the database must have a content use agreement to ensure that the available pictures comply with these regulations.

We have uploaded some images of different projects we have completed, which you are free to use if you think they might fit into your marketing contexts.

The idea is that the images in the database can be used by all distributors of Excellent Systems A/S products, which is why you should only contribute images that you are willing for others to use.

If you have some pictures you’d like to share, they can be sent to images@ex-as.com, and we will make sure they are uploaded.

Media consent agreement

If there are people in the images, they must have given written consent for them to be used in marketing by Excellent Systems A/S and its distributors, and you must send us the consent form to ensure that the available images comply with relevant regulations